Friday, October 12, 2012: 6:00 AM
Hall 4E/F (WSCC)
The main objective of this study is to evaluate and compare Cloud Top Height (CTH) estimated from various satellite-based sources such as MODIS Cloud Top Pressure (CTP) and GOES Cloud Top brightness Temperature (CTTb) products. One very important application of accurate CTH is to improve satellite-based precipitation estimates/forecasts and as the result enhancement of flood forecasting. The project study focuses on: (1) downloading and processing CTP from MODIS; (2) downloading, processing and analyzing CTTb from GOES satellite; (3) converting CTP and CTTb to Cloud Top Height (CTH); and (4) Evaluation of CTH estimates by comparing CTH from the MODIS CTP and GOES CTTb with the truth CTH from CALIPSO satellite (with the assumption that CALIPSO CTH gives the true values). This poster presents the first three tasks of this project, which are about: (1) describing the CTP and the algorithm that has evolved through the new collection 5.1 as experience has been gained with in-flight data from NASA Aqua platforms; (2) describing CTTb from band-4 of a geostationary satellites, GOES-east, 13, and GOES-west, 11, and their characteristics; and (3) briefly about the selected methodologies for estimating CTH. The CTH estimates using a non-linear relationship between CTP and CTH from MODIS CTP and using a 3-D stereographic scheme and GOES CTTb will be presented. The next step in this project will be to evaluate the CTH estimates and improve the methodologies if needed.