SAT-2024 Stable Isotope Investigation of Vertebrates From Hagerman Fossil Beds National Monument

Saturday, October 13, 2012: 4:00 PM
Hall 4E/F (WSCC)
Alma Palacios , Boise State University, Boise, ID
Matthew Kohn, PhD , Boise State University, Boise, ID
Stable oxygen and carbon isotopes of fossil teeth are commonly used to investigate paleoclimate of past environments and paleoecology of past faunas. Tooth enamel from Hagerman Fossil Beds National Monument was analyzed for δ18O and δ13C to investigate paleoclimatic/paleoecological conditions 3.2Ma (Pliocene) in southern Idaho. This was one of Earth’s warmest recent climates. Because climate trends suggest an increase in temperature over the next several hundred years, it may serve as an analogue for future climate dynamics. Taxa analyzed include relatives of proboscidieans, horses, camels, and beavers. Average δ18Oenamel ranged between 21.81‰-VSMOW for a camel to 17.42‰ for a horse. Overall, beavers have the lowest average δ18Oenamel values (17.55‰). δ13Cenamel range between -7.75‰-VPDB for a beaver to -10.56‰ for a camel. High δ18Oenamel for camels suggest they consumed more plants and drank less water than other taxa, while low δ18O values for beavers suggest they were water dependent. Low δ13Cenamel camel values suggest they selected food with higher water content, whereas high δ13C beaver values are consistent with a dry diet (bark).  Modern δ18Oprecipitation in Hagerman is -16‰ whereas δ18Oprecipitation calculated from horses was -15.0‰ and -14.1‰ for proboscidieans. This change in isotope composition is interpreted to result from lower elevations of the Pliocene Cascade Range, because higher mountain ranges produce lower δ18Oprecipitation (as seen today). The modern precipitation rate in Hagerman is 250 mm rain/yr. Using δ13Cenamel, Pliocene precipitation rates are calculated at 100 mm rain/yr.  This suggests future warm climates in southern Idaho may be drier than today.