SAT-1725 Biologically Relevent Metal Ions On Fluorinated Scorpionates

Saturday, October 13, 2012: 11:00 AM
Hall 4E/F (WSCC)
Jean-Luc Nshimiyimana , Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX
Dias Rasika, PhD , Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX
Tris(pyrazolyl)borates or Tp are one of the most used classes of ligands in modern coordination chemistry.  They are also the major component of metal ion chelators generally referred to as scorpionates. Since their discovery by Dr. Swiatoslaw Trofimenko in 1966, such ligands have found applications in materials science, catalysis, and bioinorganic chemistry.1 These ligands are useful due to their versatility which is made possible by the modification of the substituents of the pyrazolyl ring, thereby altering the steric effects exerted upon the metal center.2 The same ligands have also been employed for the synthesis of complexes with several metals of the periodic table and are highly popular and versatile in physico-chemically, bio-inorganic and structurally oriented coordination chemistry.2 Herein, we describe the synthesis of a series of transition metal complexes of the type TpMIINO3 (M = Zn, Co and Mn) supported over fluorinated Tp ligand, [HB(3,5-(CF3)2Pz)3]-. The complexes were characterized by NMR, IR spectroscopy and elemental analysis. The solid-state structure of zinc and manganese complexes have been determined by single crystal X-ray structure analysis. These complexes will further be used for catalysis (activation of C-H and O2) and possibly finding application in the biological field during my future studies.


[1]. Trofimenko, S. Polyhedron 2004, 23, 197-203.

[2]. King, W. A.; Yap, G. P. A.; Incarvito, C. D.; Rheingold, A. L.; Theopold, K. H. Inorg. Chim. Acta 2009, 362, 4493-4499.