Entrepreneurship 10101101: How to Start Your Own Company and Why

Thursday, October 11, 2012: 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
611 (WSCC)
Greg Villareal, PhD, BioEntrepreneur, Al Phahelix Biometrics, Entrepreneur

Description: Are you interested in starting a company? Did you know it could be accomplished in 54-hours, in academia, and by leveraging networks? This highly anticipated session consists of experts from industry, StartupWeekend.org, and the Kauffman Foundation who will provide unique insight and discuss programs that advance innovation and entrepreneurship.

10:15 AM
Entrepreneurship 10101101: How to Start Your Own Company and Why
Franck Nouryrigat, MS , Co-founder , StartUpWeekend
10:17 AM
Entrepreneurship 10101101: How to Start Your Own Company and Why
Dominique Pahud, MBA , Director in Advancing Innovation , Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation
10:19 AM
Entrepreneurship 10101101: How to Start Your Own Company and Why
Lydia Villa-Komaroff, PhD , Chief Scientific Officer , Cytonome/ST, LLC
10:21 AM
Panel Discussion