Our Nearest Star: How Complicated Can a Hot Ball of Gas Be?

Saturday, October 18, 2014: 3:50 PM
LACC 405 (Los Angeles Convention Center)
Ana Cristina Cadavid, PhD , Physics and Astronomy, California State University, Northridge, CA
Recent observations from both satellites and ground based instruments at increasing spatial and  temporal resolutions are opening further the door to uncover the secrets of the Sun.  Studies of the  solar interior where the magnetic field is generated,  the mechanisms of  energy transport through the layers  of the solar atmosphere, the variations of the solar irradiance,  and  properties  for  the generation of explosive processes like flares and coronal mass ejections, all  converge to  a picture  of the Sun of enormous complexity and beauty.  This talk will present selected topics which highlight the  advances made in our understanding based on the new observations and analysis techniques.