“It Takes a Village": How Chemists, Engineers, and Physicists Come Together to Create the Next Generation of Electronics

Saturday, October 18, 2014: 3:45 PM-5:15 PM
LACC 407 (Los Angeles Convention Center)
Bettye Maddux, PhD, Managing Director, Center for Sustainable Materials Chemistry

Description: To keep up with growing demand and meet global needs for smaller, faster, efficient electronics and energy devices, scientists/engineers need to work together on sustainable solutions. This session explores how researchers in the Center for Sustainable Materials Chemistry are using fundamental scientific understanding to invent and advance these technologies.

3:45 PM
Introductory Remarks
3:50 PM
4:10 PM
Solid-state NMR Spectroscopy for Everyone (Chemists, Physicists, Materials Scientists & Engineers!)
Sophia Hayes, PhD , Associate Professor , Washington University
4:30 PM
Understanding aqueous solution processes of metallic clusters for oxide thin film formation
Sara Goberna-Ferron, PhD , Postdoctoral Scholar , Center for Sustainable Materials Chemistry
4:50 PM
Solution-Processed Thin Films for Electronic Devices
Juan Carlos Ramos, PhD , Postdoctoral Scholar , Center for Sustainable Materials Chemistry