Exciting Recent Results in Nuclear and Particle Physics

Saturday, October 18, 2014: 3:45 PM-5:15 PM
LACC 408B (Los Angeles Convention Center)
David Ernst, PhD, Professor, Vanderbilt University

Description: Recent exciting results in nuclear and particle physics are given at a level intended for all participants with an interest in physics. Topics include astrophysics (nuclear compressibility), particle physics (neutrino oscillations), matter in the early universe, and instrumentation development.

Sponsored by: National Society of Hispanic Physicists, National Science Foundation

3:45 PM
Introductory Remarks
3:50 PM
Nuclear Compressibility: How Much Can You Squeeze a Star?
Umesh Garg, PhD , Professor , University of Notre Dame
4:10 PM
4:30 PM
Matter in the Early University: Results from the LHC
Edmundo Garcia, PhD , Associate Professor , Chicago State University