The Power of Microactions: Active Preparation for Advanced Degrees

Friday, October 17, 2014: 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
LACC 506 (Los Angeles Convention Center)
Cynthia Joseph, MEd, Diversity Director, University of Southern California and Nievita Bueno Watts, PhD, Director of Academic Programs, Oregon Health & Sciences University
Socrates B. Munoz, BS, PhD Candidate, University of Southern California , Yadira Ibarra, BS, PhD Candidate, University of Southern California and Everett Salas, PhD, Decision Analyst, Chevron Corporation

Description: As an undergraduate, graduate school and a career can seem distant. Learn about the evidence-based power of microactions—very small changes you can make as an undergraduate to increase your preparedness for advanced degrees. Then hear transition strategies from a panel of mentors at different stages of their STEM career.