Biology Education Research: Providing Evidence for Improving the Undergraduate Learning Experience

Thursday, October 16, 2014: 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
LACC 303AB (Los Angeles Convention Center)
Gloriana Trujillo, PhD, SEPAL Postdoctoral Fellow, San Francisco State University

Description: The discipline of biology education research uses scientific evidence to understand how people learn biology. Speakers in this session will engage the audience by communicating current research that will likely affect the biology learning experience of undergraduate students in the near future.

10:15 AM
Introductory Remarks
10:20 AM
From Cookbook to Inquiry with Hundreds of Students and Minimal Budget
Nancy Aguilar-Roca, PhD , Lecturer , University of California, Irvine
10:40 AM
Attempting Biology Department-wide Professional Development in Scientific Teaching
Gloriana Trujillo, PhD , SEPAL Postdoctoral Fellow , San Francisco State University
11:00 AM
Evidence-Based Teaching and STEM Success: Is Lecturing Racist?
Scott Freeman, PhD , Principal Lecturer , University of Washington
11:20 AM
Benefits and Challenges in Computer-Based STEM Instruction and Assessment
Joel Abraham, PhD , Assistant Professor , California State University, Fullerton