Minority Women in Mathematical Biology

Thursday, October 29, 2015: 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
National Harbor 6 (Gaylord National Resort And Convention Center)
Selenne Banuelos, PhD, Dr., California State University, Channel Islands , Alicia Prieto Langarica, PhD, Assistant Professor, Youngstown State University and Shelby Wilson, PhD, Assistant Professor, Morehouse College

Description: Four minority women mathematicians will discuss their research on mathematical problems with applications to the Biological and the Medical Sciences. Each speaker is an active mathematician doing cutting edge work in the field of Mathematical Biology.

10:15 AM
Modeling Reproductive Hormone Dynamics, Regulation, and Dysfunction
Erica Graham, PhD , Postdoctoral Fellow , North Carolina State University
10:35 AM
Modeling the Effects of Thermoregulation on Human Sleep Patterns
Selenne Banuelos, PhD , Dr. , California State University, Channel Islands
10:55 AM
Using Delayed Feedback to Avoid Neural Synchrony in Parkinson's Disease
Shelby Wilson, PhD , Assistant Professor , Morehouse College
11:15 AM
Statistical Approaches to Detect Adaptive Introgression – Genetic Gifts from Archaic Humans
Emilia Huerta-Sanchez, PhD , Dr. , University of California, Merced