Blogging and Twitter Fundamentals: Promoting Your Science Online

Saturday, October 13, 2012: 3:15 PM-4:45 PM
608 (WSCC)
Alberto Roca, PhD, Diversity Consultant, and Danielle Lee, PhD, Postdoctoral Associate, Oklahoma State University

Description: Web 2.0 social media tools provide new channels for promoting your science and career. How can an online presence through blogs and Twitter be balanced with the traditional measure of scholarship-- publications? Panelists will describe how they use online tools to discuss science, engage the public, and publicize accomplishments.

3:15 PM
Blogging and Twitter Fundamentals: Promoting Your Science Writing Online
Cynthia Coleman, PhD , Associate Professor , Portland State University
3:17 PM
Blogging and Twitter Fundamentals: Promoting Your Science Writing Online
Sabrina Bonaparte, PhD , Recent PhD Graduate, University of Washington , University of Washington
3:19 PM
Blogging and Twitter Fundamentals: Promoting Your Science Writing Online
Cara Santa Maria, MS , Science Correspondent , AOL Huffington Post Media Group
3:21 PM
Panel Discussion