Native American Researchers: From The Rez To World-Class Research

Saturday, October 5, 2013: 2:15 PM-3:45 PM
217 D (Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center)
Julius Yellowhair, PhD, Senior Member, Technical Staff, Sandia National Laboratories
Stanley Atcitty, PhD, Principle Member, Technical Staff, Sandia National Laboratories , Erik J Sorensen, PhD, Professor, Organic Chemistry, Princeton University , Matthew Anderson, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities , Julius Yellowhair, PhD, Senior Member, Technical Staff, Sandia National Laboratories and Clifton Poodry, PhD, Director, Division of Training, Workforce Development, and Diversity, National Institutes of Health

Description: This session will showcase some of the nation�s most accomplished Native American researchers and promising minds. Researchers will present on diverse STEM topics: engineering, environmental sciences, and chemistry and then end with a panel discussion on career development. Hear how they journeyed from the �rez� to doing world-class research.