Stories From The Other Side Of The Blurry Tunnel: It Gets Better After All!

Saturday, October 5, 2013: 2:15 PM-3:45 PM
206 A (Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center)
Kermin Mart�nez-Hern�ndez, PhD, Assistant Professor, St. John Fisher College , Nahyr Rovira-Figueroa, PhD, Adjunct Faculty, St. John Fisher College and Mary Garc�a-Cazar�n, PhD, AAAS S&T Policy Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science/National Institutes of Health
Yaihara Fortis-Santiago, PhD, AAAS Science and Technology Policy Fellow at National Science Foundation, AAAS Science and Technology Policy Fellow at National Science Foundation , M�nica Feli�-M�jer, PhD, Vice Director, Ciencia Puerto Rico , Ron Hunter, PhD, Analytical Chemist, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Atlanta, GA ORISE Fellow and Marcelo Vinces, PhD, Director, Center for Learning, Education and Research in the Sciences (CLEAR), Oberlin College

Description: The graduate school journey can have some bumps in the road with challenges and successes; some describe this path as being like �a blurry tunnel.� If you can identify with this phrase, you should attend this workshop to learn more about graduate school experiences.