Using Physics Education Research Results to Support the Academic Success of Underrepresented STEM Students

Thursday, October 29, 2015: 11:15 AM
Chesapeake 10 (Gaylord National Resort And Convention Center)
Geraldine Cochran, PhD , Multicultural Center for Academic Success, Rocherster Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY
Recent results in physics education research (PER) have advanced our understanding of how students learn physics and how best to teach physics. Some of these studies have focused on underrepresented groups, including gender and ethnic/racial minorities in physics. Physics education researchers have investigated the role of self-efficacy and the effectiveness of classroom interventions. In this presentation I will discuss some findings within PER and science education research, that I have found beneficial to understanding how to support underrepresented STEM students. As examples, I will discuss application within the classroom, within student support programs, and through the creation of a summer program for middle school girls.