An Act of Translation: Transferring Your Research Skills into Something Meaningful to Society

Friday, October 30, 2015: 1:30 PM-3:00 PM
Chesapeake 8 (Gaylord National Resort And Convention Center)
Ron Hunter, PhD, Dr., Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Tepring Piquado, PhD, Physical Scientist, RAND Corporation , Mary Garcia-Cazarin, PhD, Dr., HHS/NIH - National Institutes of Health and Edward Ramos, PhD, Research Fellow and Science Policy Analyst, National Institutes of Health

Description: This session is for early-career professionals curious about how else their discipline-specific skills are transferrable to non-academic career paths, including areas of public policy and government research. We will discuss how PhD-level skills can be used to impact society globally as well as short-duration professional prospects and long-duration career opportunities.