Connecting Tribal Colleges and Tribal Communities for Climate Change Adaptation

Friday, October 30, 2015: 3:15 PM-4:45 PM
Chesapeake 8 (Gaylord National Resort And Convention Center)
David Blockstein, PhD, Dr., National Council for Science and the Environment

Description: Tribal Colleges and Universities and partners promote awareness of climate change, encourage and support research and education, and help community preparedness, planning and implementation.  Projects include:

3:15 PM
The Indigenous Peoples� Climate Change Working Group
Dan Wildcat, PhD , Professor of Natural Science Department , Haskell Indian Nations University
3:35 PM
Connecting Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Western Science for Climate Change Education
Octavia Trujillo, PhD , Founding Chair and Professor, Department of Applied Indigenous Studies , Northern Arizona University
3:55 PM
The TCU Climate Response Network
Al Kuslikis, MS , STEM Coordinator , American Indian Higher Education Consortium
4:15 PM
The Climate-Adaptation-Mitigation-e-Learning Portal Www.Camelclimatechange.Org
David Blockstein, PhD , Dr. , National Council for Science and the Environment